What is a Quiet Conservation Area?

Quiet Conservation Areas (QCA) are natural areas of exceptional quality that may provide opportunities for quiet human enjoyment yet are at-risk from noise pollution.

QCAs are awarded by Quiet Parks International to geographic locations where land manager(s) and/or land owner(s) actively seek to protect and/or restore natural quiet for the benefit of all life. 

There is no test applied to these locations. A Quiet Conservation Area Award is presented to any location, terrestrial or aquatic, any size, either public or private, in any condition (natural or cultural) that has a clearly stated and effective Quiet Management Policy (QMP), which clearly recognize the value of natural quiet.

The QMP serves as a proactive means for organizations, parks, and conservation areas to define for themselves what quiet management means specific to their location, region, goals, and other circumstances that surround their self imposed definition of quiet.

QCA Award automatically expires after 5 years, unless renewed by submitting a statement of continued use.


What are the benefits of receiving this award?

Quiet Conservation Area Award will help you…

  • Increase awareness of the benefit of quiet for people and wildlife

  • Gain international recognition

  • Defend your right to quiet at public hearings

  • Network with other QCAs and learn from their best practices

  • Get assistance to create guidelines and management practices

  • Get assistance to maintain the award


What is the value of a QCA award and how is this different from any of the formal QPI awards?

The value is that QCA and associated land managers are able to have a name and a value brand of QPI support when publicly sharing and promoting themes of “quiet” throughout the property. As QCA awardees continue to mitigate and manage existing sources of noise pollution for future land use decisions, they can leverage connections via the Quiet Parks network of awardees to learn more about best practices and put their best foot forward in promoting quiet spaces and practices over their time of award.


Who is eligible for the award?

All lands, either public or private, including those closed to public entry are eligible. Lands of any land-use classification or size are eligible, including urban homes, urban parks, and other areas degraded by noise pollution which may not be eligible for other QPI Awards. The sole criterium is intent of land use as evidenced by supporting documents submitted during the application process.

This Award remains effective for 5 years after which time the program may elect to re-certify and undergo a rudimentary audit by the QCA manager of QPI.


Who may apply?

Any public land manager, private land owner, or any community organization representing the will of the surrounding community.


How does one apply?

Fill out online form below > Pay processing fee after form submission (regardless of acceptance or denial) > Volunteer team reviews > Decision made by QCA manager at QPI

Applicants should provide the following to QPI for review (by submitting the form below):

  • Contact information: Name of individual, title, name of organization, if the applicant is managing or owning the subject property

  • Summary information: Location, size, description/attributes, history, other descriptors of area under management program

  • Copy of QMP

  • Copy of General Management Policy verifying that other policies do not conflict with Quiet Management Policy

  • Payment of processing fee of $150 (If you cannot pay this amount, please let us know)

  • Data in the form of representative soundscape recordings may be submitted for additional review


What is a Quiet Management Policy?

Themes that Quiet Management Policy should cover, including but not limited to the following:

  • Definition of QCA boundary via site maps, landscape plans, property agreements, or other formal document of land management

  • Definition of “quiet” specific to the QCA boundary and management team

  • QMP manager name and title

  • Annual submission of QMP management using the QMP Annual Submission Template. Annual template should indicate any changes to program, management, definitions of “quiet”, or other changes


Can you share some examples of QPI Awarded Quiet Conservation Areas?

Click here for examples of QPI Awarded Quiet Conservation Area.


To apply for Quiet Conservation Award, please submit this form…